Vacation home: How is your tax bill affected if you rent it out?
Vacation home: How is your tax bill affected if you rent it out? If you’re fortunate enough to own...
M&A transactions: Be careful when reporting to the IRS
M&A transactions: Be careful when reporting to the IRS Low interest rates and other factors...
Navigating the tax landscape when donating works of art to charity
Navigating the tax landscape when donating works of art to charity If you own a valuable piece of...
Think like a lender before applying for a business loan
Think like a lender before applying for a business loan Commercial loans, particularly small...
The tax score of winning
The tax score of winning Studies have found that more people are engaging in online gambling and...
Tax depreciation rules for business automobiles
Tax depreciation rules for business automobiles If you use an automobile in your trade or...
5 questions to ask about your marketing efforts
5 questions to ask about your marketing efforts For many small to midsize businesses, spending...
Is a Health Savings Account right for you?
Is a Health Savings Account right for you? Given the escalating cost of health care, there may be...
Claiming a theft loss deduction if your business is the victim of embezzlement
Claiming a theft loss deduction if your business is the victim of embezzlement A business may be...