2024 Q4 tax calendar: Key deadlines for businesses and other employers
2024 Q4 tax calendar: Key deadlines for businesses and other employers Here are some of the key...
Brand audits can help companies in a variety of ways
Brand audits can help companies in a variety of ways A strong brand can help boost revenue, while...
Business owners sometimes need to switch successors
Business owners sometimes need to switch successors For many business owners, choosing a successor...
Working remotely is convenient, but it may have tax consequences
Working remotely is convenient, but it may have tax consequences Many employees began working...
Cash or accrual accounting: What’s best for tax purposes?
Cash or accrual accounting: What’s best for tax purposes? Your businesses may have a choice...
Are you unfairly burdened by a spouse’s tax errors? You may qualify for “innocent spouse relief”
Are you unfairly burdened by a spouse’s tax errors? You may qualify for “innocent spouse relief”...
Understanding taxes on real estate gains
Understanding taxes on real estate gains Let’s say you own real estate that has been held for more...
Businesses should stay grounded when using cloud computing
Businesses should stay grounded when using cloud computing For a couple decades or so now,...
Do you owe estimated taxes? If so, when is the next one due?
Do you owe estimated taxes? If so, when is the next one due? Federal estimated tax payments are...