by Sarah Boehle Pool | Sep 2, 2020 | Latest News
More parents may owe “nanny tax” this year, due to COVID-19 In the COVID-19 era, many parents are hiring nannies and babysitters because their daycare centers and summer camps have closed. This may result in federal “nanny tax” obligations. Keep in mind that the nanny...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Aug 31, 2020 | Latest News
The possible tax consequences of PPP loans If your business was fortunate enough to get a Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan taken out in connection with the COVID-19 crisis, you should be aware of the potential tax implications. PPP basics The Coronavirus Aid,...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Aug 27, 2020 | Latest News
Reopening concepts: What business owners should consider A widely circulated article about the COVID-19 pandemic, written by author Tomas Pueyo in March, described efforts to cope with the crisis as “the hammer and the dance.” The hammer was the abrupt shutdown of...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Aug 26, 2020 | Latest News
What happens if an individual can’t pay taxes While you probably don’t have any problems paying your tax bills, you may wonder: What happens in the event you (or someone you know) can’t pay taxes on time? Here’s a look at the options. Most importantly, don’t let the...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Aug 24, 2020 | Latest News
The President’s action to defer payroll taxes: What does it mean for your business? On August 8, President Trump signed four executive actions, including a Presidential Memorandum to defer the employee’s portion of Social Security taxes for some people. These actions...