by Sarah Boehle Pool | Jun 10, 2021 | Latest News
Is your wellness program built on a solid foundation? In a society increasingly conscious of well-being, with the costs of health care benefits remaining high, many businesses have established or are considering employee wellness programs. The Centers for Disease...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Jun 9, 2021 | Latest News
Working in the gig economy results in tax obligations Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, the number of people engaged in the “gig” or sharing economy had been growing, according to several reports. And reductions in working hours during the pandemic have caused even...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Jun 7, 2021 | Latest News
Tax advantages of hiring your child at your small business As a business owner, you should be aware that you can save family income and payroll taxes by putting your child on the payroll. Here are some considerations. Shifting business earnings You can turn some of...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Jun 3, 2021 | Latest News
Ensure competitive intelligence efforts are helpful, not harmful With so many employees working remotely these days, engaging in competitive intelligence has never been easier. The Internet as a whole, and social media specifically, create a data-rich environment in...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | Jun 2, 2021 | Latest News
Why it’s important to meet the tax return filing and payment deadlines The May 17 deadline for filing your 2020 individual tax return is coming up soon. It’s important to file and pay your tax return on time to avoid penalties imposed by the IRS. Here are the basic...