4 digital marketing tips for every business

4 digital marketing tips for every business You’d be hard pressed to find a company not looking to generate more leads, boost sales and improve its profit margins. Fortunately, you can take advantage of the sales and marketing opportunities offered by today’s digital...

Vehicle Donations – Are They Worth It?

Donating a vehicle might not provide the tax deduction you expect All charitable donations aren’t created equal — some provide larger deductions than others. And it isn’t necessarily just how much or even what you donate that matters. How the charity uses your...
Our Renovation is Complete!

Our Renovation is Complete!

Stop by and see our newly remodeled office! The updated entryway, conference rooms, and offices provide additional space to efficiently and effectively serve our clients. Prominently featured as you walk in is our newly re-designed logo. Stop in, have a cup of coffee,...

We are under construction!

Exciting news here at BMG – we are expanding!  Construction began over the weekend and we are excited for the end result.  Our remodeled office space will offer more conference rooms, more office space, and updated feel. In the meantime, it’s a bit messy...