by Sarah Boehle Pool | Jun 3, 2024 | Latest News
The tax advantages of including debt in a C corporation capital structure Let’s say you plan to use a C corporation to operate a newly acquired business or you have an existing C corporation that needs more capital. You should know that the federal tax code treats...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 30, 2024 | Latest News
Health care self-insurance and stop-loss coverage: What business owners need to know For businesses, cost-effectively sponsoring a health insurance plan for employees is an ongoing battle. In the broadest sense, you have two options: fully insured or self-funded. A...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 27, 2024 | Latest News
Growing your business with a new partner: Here are some tax considerations There are several financial and legal implications when adding a new partner to a partnership. Here’s an example to illustrate: You and your partners are planning to admit a new partner. The...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 23, 2024 | Latest News
Why some businesses choose to execute a pivot strategy When you encounter the word “pivot,” you may think of a politician changing course on a certain issue or perhaps a group of friends trying to move a couch down a steep flight of stairs. But businesses sometimes...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 22, 2024 | Latest News
Taxes when you sell an appreciated vacation home Vacation homes in upscale areas may be worth way more than owners paid for them. That’s great, but what about taxes? Here are three scenarios to illustrate the federal income tax issues you face when selling an...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 20, 2024 | Latest News
When partners pay expenses related to the business It’s not unusual for a partner to incur expenses related to the partnership’s business. This is especially likely to occur in service partnerships such as an architecture or law firm. For example, partners in service...