by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 22, 2023 | Latest News
Do you run a business from home? You may be able to deduct home office expenses Many people began working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic — and many still work from their home offices either all the time or on a hybrid basis. If you’re self-employed and run...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 18, 2023 | Latest News
Look to a SWOT analysis to make better HR decisions Many business owners spend most of their time developing strategic plans, overseeing day-to-day operations and, of course, putting out fires. Yet an underlying source of both opportunity and trouble can be human...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 17, 2023 | Latest News
Claiming losses on depreciated or worthless stock Have you bought stock in a company that later dropped in value? While you may prefer to forget such an ill-fated investment, at least you can claim a capital loss deduction on your tax return. Here are the rules that...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 15, 2023 | Latest News
Key tax issues in M&A transactions Merger and acquisition activity dropped dramatically last year due to rising interest rates and a slowing economy. The total value of M&A transactions in North America in 2022 was down 41.4% from 2021, according to S&P...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 11, 2023 | Latest News
3 ways your business can uncover cost cuts Every business wants to find them, but they sure don’t make it easy. We’re talking about cost cuts: clear and substantial ways to lower expenses, thereby strengthening cash flow and giving you a better shot at strong...
by Sarah Boehle Pool | May 10, 2023 | Latest News
Awarded money in a lawsuit or settlement? It’s only tax-free in certain circumstances You generally must pay federal tax on all income you receive but there are some exceptions when you can exclude it. For example, compensatory awards and judgments for “personal...