Carolina Barraza


Present Position

  • Intern


  • I am a junior Accounting major with a minor in Clifton Builders Management at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

What do you enjoy doing when you are not working?

I am very involved at the Clifton Strengths Institute at UNL. I am a Student Strengths Coach, where I coach ten students each semester on their Top 5 Clifton Strengths. I love coaching because I help students see their potential with their strengths and aid in goal setting. It’s also a great way to help incoming freshmen get connected to campus. In my free time, I love taking my dog on walks at Holmes Park, and I enjoy painting with watercolor.

What is your background?

I grew up in a town of less than 300 people. Growing up in a small town instilled a lot of my values of hard-work and strategic thinking. With a graduating class of 17 people, I was involved in a lot of different clubs and activities, which has carried through my involvement at UNL. Some of my involvements are the Honors Program, Nebraska Business Student Ambassador, and an Accounting Tutor at the Teaching and Learning Center. A person that I will always look up to is my mom. She taught me the values of hard-work, education, and never giving up , and has always supported me in all the endeavors.




In auditing, the concept of materiality is, simply, setting a threshold that anything under that threshold won’t materially misstate your financial statements. I try to apply this concept to my entire life – basically, don’t sweat the small stuff!In auditing, the concept of materiality is, simply, setting a threshold that anything under that threshold won’t materially misstate your financial statements. I try to apply this concept to my entire life – basically, don’t sweat the small stuff!Save