by Abby Wilhelm | Feb 8, 2013 | iDonatedIt App, Latest News
iDonatedIt made the CBS News in New York. They did a video segment about tax apps & iDonatedIt was featured. Here’s a link to the video (iDonatedIt on CBS News). Be sure to watch it to the end. iDonatedIt gets an extra plug from the weather...
by Amy Ebbeka | Feb 8, 2013 | iDonatedIt App, Latest News
In an effort to capitalize on the continued momentum of the mobile device movement and to strengthen its position as one of the leading developers of mobile tax applications, BMG Certified Public Accountants, LLP has updated its popular iDonatedIt app, adding new...
by Amy Ebbeka | Nov 26, 2012 | iDonatedIt App, Latest News
In an effort to capitalize on the momentum of the iPad and to strengthen its position as one of the leading developers of mobile tax applications, BMG Certified Public Accountants, LLP has released an iPad version of its popular iDonatedIt iPhone app. iDonatedIt for...
by Amy Ebbeka | Nov 26, 2012 | iDonatedIt App, Latest News
BMG’s iDonatedIt App Continues to Receives National Attention and Critical Acclaim Within weeks of the release of iDonatedIt, it began to receive national attention and critical acclaim for being the first iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, & Droid application to...
by Amy Ebbeka | Nov 26, 2012 | iDonatedIt App, Latest News
In February 2011, CNN Money named iDonatedIt, a mobile app created by Lincoln CPA firm BMG Certified Public Accountants, LLP as one of its seven best apps for filing taxes. iDonatedIt is a mobile app that helps taxpayers document, value, and report their non-cash...